
Oncology Rehabilitation

Oncology rehabilitation is a specialised branch of rehabilitation that focuses on the unique needs of cancer patients. It is critical in enhancing the quality of life during and after cancer treatment. RB Physiotherapy provides comprehensive assessments and tailored pre- and post-rehabilitation programs to support your journey through cancer care.

What is oncology rehabilitation?

Oncology Rehabilitation is dedicated to helping cancer patients and survivors manage the physical and functional challenges that arise from cancer and its treatments. This form of rehabilitation addresses issues like fatigue, weakness, insomnia, pain, and lymphedema, aiming to improve overall well-being and daily functioning.

What can I expect during a comprehensive assessment?

A comprehensive assessment in oncology rehabilitation is crucial to understanding the specific needs and challenges a cancer patient faces. This thorough evaluation covers physical function, pain levels, nutritional status, emotional well-being, and any other concerns related to cancer treatment. It forms the basis for developing a personalised rehabilitation plan.

What does pre-rehabilitation involve?

Pre-rehabilitation focuses on preparing patients for upcoming cancer treatment. This proactive approach aims to enhance physical and mental resilience before undergoing surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy. Pre-rehabilitation can lead to better treatment outcomes, reduced complications, and a quicker return to normal activities.

What Does Post-Rehabilitation Involve?

Post-rehabilitation is tailored to help patients recover and regain strength after cancer treatment. It involves exercises and therapies to improve mobility, reduce pain, and address new physical limitations. This phase is vital for restoring function, managing long-term side effects of treatment, and improving overall quality of life.

How Does Oncology Rehabilitation Fit into My Overall Treatment Plan?

Oncology rehabilitation is an integral part of the cancer care continuum. By working closely with your oncology team, rehabilitation specialists ensure that your rehab programme complements your medical treatments. This collaborative approach provides holistic care, addressing the disease and its physical and functional impacts.

Oncology rehabilitation offers a beacon of support and empowerment to those navigating the complex journey of cancer treatment and recovery. Through comprehensive assessments and tailored pre- and post-rehabilitation programs, it aims to enhance recovery, improve function and uplift the spirits of cancer patients and survivors.